Sunday, March 10, 2013

Tips for Maintaining Your Plumbing System

As a homeowner, home maintenance can often seem overwhelming and it seems like something is always breaking. While you have many responsibilities to keep your home running smoothly, plumbing is one of those things you need to maintain all year long. Did you know your plumbing system represents 15% of the value of your home? There is nothing in your home more valuable and used more often. The easiest way to do keep your plumbing system running smoothly is with a checklist that includes all of the appliances and pipes on the system, including laundry facilities, drains and toilets.

Signs of Leaks

First, check for signs of leaks in your exposed pipes, including where they run into your walls and fonudation. Signs of a water leak include watermarks on your walls and unexplainable puddles on the floors.

Signs of Corrosion

Corrosion can cause serious leaks if it isn't taken care of. Look for green stains on brass or copper pipes or fixtures and yellowish stains on steel pipes.

Test Your Water Pressure

This measures with how much force water comes out of the faucets in your home. Low water pressure may be due to sidement build-up or a sign of issues in your water line. High water pressure exceeding 80 psi can also be a serious problem that causes constant leaks. If your water pressure isn't ideal, contact a professional plumber in Riverside to install a regulator and inspect your plumbing.

Remove Showerheads

Check for an built-up sediment that may be causing low water pressure.

Check Drainage

Check the drainage speed in your sinks, showers and tubs. Slow drainage typically indicates a clog or a blocked vent pipe. There should be a full swirl during drainage . If there are gurgling sounds or bubbles, there's probably a problem.

Check the Toilet

Inspect the flushing handle and parts of your toilet and make sure each flushes properly. Look at the parks in the tank and check for rusted, broken or missing parts. Ensure the water doesn't keep running after flushing and there isn't any water on the floor.

Check for Cracked Tiles

Are there any cracked tiles in your shower, around the sinks or near any water pipes? Loose tiles is often an indication that something is rotting under or behind the tiles.

Check Your Water Heater

Check the burner chamber of your water heater and look for rust in the chamber. Check the flame, which should be completely blue. If the flame has any yellow, the jets may need cleaning. Drain your water heater to remove built-up sediment.

Check Washing Machine

Check the hoses of your washing machine to make sure they aren't brittle or leaking. Leaking washing machines are actually one of the most common homeowners insurance claims.

Check the Caulking

Finally, check the caulking on your tubs, sinks and toilets to make sure it isn't loosening. Look for signs of mildew, which indicates standing water was present and dried.

If you notice any problems during your inspection, make sure you contact the experts at Inland Empire Plumbing to get to the bottom of the problem and get it fixed promptly.

Image: Heypaul at Flickr

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